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Dowling, Maurice J, 1896-1965, Jesuit priest, chaplain and missioner
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Photographs belonging to Fr Kyran Ward SJ

Photographs belonging to Fr Kyran Ward SJ which documents his life from 1912 until his death, 1972.


  1. Fr Kyran Ward SJ, [1960]-[1972]; 4 photographs
  2. Group at shore front with Fr Kyran Ward SJ in the centre
  3. [ ], Br Michael Crowe SJ, [1960]-[1972]; 2 photographs
  4. Father of Fr Kyran Ward SJ, 27 June 1920; 2 photographs
  5. Muiris Ó Séaghdha, 5 May 1945;
  6. Villa house for Jesuits at Moville, 1913;
  7. Group of Jesuits on villa [1910]-[1935];
  8. Group of Jesuits on villa [1910]-[1935], James Whitaker;
  9. Group of Jesuits on a boat, Cleggan extreme left John Sulllvian, Charles Byrne, John Neary;
  10. Mortimer Glynn, Charles Byrne, A Morris, ,;
  11. Gap of Dunloe, father of Fr Kyran Ward SJ, 26 August 1929;
  12. Charles Byrne, Cleggan
  13. Roundstone, County Galway;
  14. Clongowes Wood College villa at Glengarriff [1928] - [1931] - Br O'Grady, Frs McGlade, C Barrett, Kieran Ward; M Kelly, James Whitaker, G Finucane, T Kelly; Frank Joy, M McCarthy and Donal Trant McCarthy.
  15. Frs Robert Dillon-Kelly, Nolan and ?;

Photographic album includes:

  • family photographs of himself and his parents (1923);
  • cycling in Wicklow with G. Dunne and J Hurley, 1912;
  • his time at Rathfarnham 1915 - 1916, with names;
  • on villa at various locations;
  • Jesuit contemporaries;
  • Jersey 1916 - 1919;
  • on villa Wicklow, while at Millltown Park, Dublin, 1919;
  • postcards from Jersey; Donegal 1923;
  • election of Pope Pius XI 1922;
  • photographs of Clongowes Wood College (1919 -1923) including hurling, rugby, cricket, swimming, rugby, tennis;
  • Clongowes union day activities, the Copper beech Winter 1920;
  • tertianship at St. Beuno's, Wales 1927 - 1928;
  • Frs Robert Dillon-Kelly, Nolan and Ward; Frs. Dick Butler and Paddy Cashman; later life of Fr Ward in Galway and time in France 1960’s;

Mission material relating to Fr Maurice Dowling SJ

  • IE IJA J/729/1
  • File
  • 1948; 13 May 1957 - 29 August 1965
  • Part of Irish Jesuits

Mission material relating to Fr Maurice Dowling SJ. Includes announcement of death; personal record; mortuary card, and correspondence between Fr Dowling and Fr Thomas Martin SJ, Jesuit Missions, 20 Upper Gardiner Street, Dublin.

Miscellaneous items belonging to Fr Michael Morrison SJ

Miscellaneous items belonging to Fr Michael Morrison SJ. Includes:

  • photograph (8½cm x 13½cm) of Fr Michael Morrison SJ, (1945-1955);
  • group photograph (8½cm x 6cm) of Jesuits including: back, l-r, Michael O'Grady, [Frank Finegan], Michael Morrison, J. Kelly, Maurice Dowling, Conal Murphy, Sydney Lennon. Front, l-r: Perrott, John McAvoy and Michael O'Meara;
  • pouch containing various documents belonging to Fr Michael Morrison SJ such as: British Forces Identification Card (with photograph); Chaplains’ Identification Cards; Officer’s Ration Card; War Department Driving Permit; British Red Cross Identity Certificate; travel permit, ‘Authorisation for Travel To and From Eire by Personnel During Release Leave’; Services Clothing Coupon Sheet; details of his eyesight from Davidson & Regenstreif ‘Ophthalmic Opticians’ in Cairo and ‘Most Secret’ list of ‘Unit Vehicle Numbers’ of the First Armoured Division (194[1]-194[6], 12 items);
  • leather cover (9cm x 14½cm) for the identity card of Fr Michael Morrison SJ;
  • ‘Field Service Pocket Book. Part I – Pamphlet No. 13. Discipline, Office Work, Pay, and Burial Parties’ (June 1943, 25pp);
  • booklet entitled ‘Infantry Training. Part I – The Infantry Battalion' (1943, 54pp);
  • booklet entitled ‘Memorandum for Catholic Army Chaplains and Officiating Chaplains to the Forces’. With annotations by Fr Morrison (1941, 59pp);
  • signed photograph (10cm x 7cm) of five girls/woman, dated ‘Belsen 24-8-45’ [24 August 1945], [Eva Nuosnovicz], Geūia Freūkiel, with my friendship [Feuier], Best regards from Cecilia, Best wishes [ ]';
  • typescript account of the ‘Chaplains’ Work in Belsen’ by Fr Michael Morrison SJ (1947, 3pp);
  • illustrated booklet ‘The Story of Belsen’ written by Captain Andrew Pares, Adjutant of the 113 L.A.A. Regiment, R.A. (D.L.I.) T.A.. (Cover is detached) (n.d., 12pp);
  • medals belonging Fr Michael Morrison SJ. Includes ‘The 1939-1945 Star’; ‘The France and Germany Star’; ‘The Africa Star’; ‘The Defence Medal’ and a medal for serving from ‘1939-1945’. Includes original box in which the medals were sent to Fr Morrison in Australia in March 1950 by the War Office (6 items, 1950) and
  • file relating to the exhibition in Belvedere College of two cases of material from the Fr Michael Morrison SJ collection as part of a commemoration ceremony to mark the 60th anniversary of the liberation of Belsen concentration camp. Includes a copy of the labels used for the exhibition, a programme of events for the commemoration ceremony and copies of photographic slides taken from the Imperial War Museum of Belsen concentration camp (April 2005, 5 items).

Morrison, Michael, 1908-1973, Jesuit priest and chaplain

Letters written from Nothern Rhodesia to the Irish Fr Provincial during the year 1949

Letters written from Jesuits in Northern Rhodesia to the Irish Fr Provincial Thomas Byrne SJ.

  • Includes a letter from Fr Patrick J Walsh SJ, PO Box 87, Broken Hill, Northern Rhodesia referring to the imminent opening of the secondary school in Chikuni. Remarks that without Frs Dowling and Gill they would not have been able to open the school. Remarks that they are still waiting for the rains to come so that the maize crop can be sown (4 January 1949, 4pp).
  • Includes a letter from Fr Patrick J Walsh SJ, PO Box 87, Broken Hill, Northern Rhodesia describing the difficulties of the mission while it remains under complete control of the Polish Province (30 October 1949, 3pp).
  • Includes a letter from Fr Patrick J Walsh SJ, PO Box 87, Broken Hill, Northern Rhodesia concerning the possibility of the Irish Province taking over the Lusaka Prefecture. Remarks that he would welcome the development as long as it was entirely independent of the Polish Jesuits (5 December 1949, 4pp).

Letters written from Nothern Rhodesia to the Irish Fr Provincial during the year 1948

Letters written from Jesuits in Northern Rhodesia to the Irish Fr Provincial Thomas Byrne SJ.

  • Includes a letter from Fr Patrick J O'Brien SJ (one of the two Jesuits sent out to Northern Rhodesia by Irish Fr Provincial) remarking 'The situation here is desperate. There is no other word to describe it. It was already critical when the first appeal was made to the Irish Province. And while Fr Patrick J Walsh SJ and myself were waiting for a boat to come here, 3 fathers died. Since then we have lost a fourth…' (7 January 1948, 2pp).
  • Includes a letter from Fr Patrick J O'Brien SJ, PO Box 125, Lusaka, Northern Rhodesia to Fr Provincial Thomas Byrne SJ thanking him for agreeing to send two more Jesuits to the mission (Fr Maurice Dowling SJ & Fr Daniel Shields SJ, although Fr Joseph Gill SJ subsequently went in Fr Shield's place) (7 April 1948, 2pp).

Letters to the Irish Fr Provincial from Jesuits seeking help relating to post-war travelling arrangements and material aid

Letters to the Irish Fr Provincial from Jesuit Fathers and Provincials seeking help in various matters relating to post-war travelling arrangements and material aid. Includes letters from Jesuits from Germany, Austria, Belgium, Greece, Poland, Czechoslovakia and Hungary seeking opportunities to study in Ireland and correspondence between Irish Fr Provincial and the Department of External Affairs concerning the visit of a German scholastic to Ireland to complete his studies.

Letters to the Irish Fr Provincial from Jesuits in response to call to serve as chaplains

Letters to the Irish Fr Provincial from various Jesuits in response to Fr Provincial’s letter (16 April 1941, 1p.) seeking volunteers to serve as chaplains: ‘Mgr. Coghlan (an Irishman from the diocese of Meath) who is in charge of the military chaplains has called upon me and informed me that the need of chaplains is acute and urgent, in some areas Catholic soldiers have no priests to look after them’. Includes responses from: John Hayes SJ (See CHP2/18); John Burden SJ (See CHP2/13); Thomas O'Donnell SJ; Cyril Perrott SJ (See CHP2/35); Conal Murphy SJ (See CHP2/30); Thomas P. Kelly SJ; Brendan Lawler SJ; John McCarron SJ; Brian MacMahon SJ; Daniel Shields SJ (See CHP2/37); Maurice Dowling SJ (See CHP2/16); Frank O'Riordan SJ and Joseph Garland SJ.

Letters to the Irish Fr Provincial from Fr Maurice Dowling SJ

Letters to the Irish Fr Provincial from Fr Maurice Dowling SJ written during his time serving as a chaplain in the 11th General Hospital in Peebles; Military Hospital, Drymen, Scotland; with the Shetland Defence Forces in Lerwick; in North Africa with the 58th [Heavy Anti-Aircraft] Regiment, Royal Artillery, B.N.A.F.; 3 L.C.U.; with the 167th Field Ambulance, C.M.F. and 2nd A.G.R.A., C.M.F.; with the 4th Battalion, Oxford and Bucks. in Norfolk and 2nd Army and 21st Army Group in Germany. Includes his first letter written to the Provincial from the 11th General Hospital (1 January 1942, 2pp), Fr Dowling’s memorial card (with photograph), and airgraphs from North Africa.

Dowling, Maurice J, 1896-1965, Jesuit priest, chaplain and missioner

Letters from members of the Clongowes Wood College SJ community to Irish Frs Provincial

A file of letters from members of the Clongowes Wood College SJ community (mostly) to Irish Frs Provincial Thomas V Nolan SJ (1912-1922), Fr John Fahy SJ (1922-1931) and Fr John R MacMahon SJ (1941-1947) as follows :

  1. Letter from Mr Edward F Ryan SJ to Irish Fr Provincial Thomas V Nolan SJ concerning a request to Mr Ryan's mother by the Rector of Clongowes Wood College, Fr Nicholas J Tomkin SJ that outstanding debts be paid to Clongowes for his brother's education at Clongowes. Mr Ryan was a scholastic on Regency at Clongowes at this time (7pp);
  2. Letter from Fr Matthew Devitt SJ to Irish Fr Provincial Thomas V Nolan SJ concerning a letter he had received from The Parish Priest of St Patrick & St Brigit, Clane County Kildare, Rev James Colgan, and this letter is attached. Fr Devitt was lecturing in Milltown Park Sj at the time (7pp);
  3. Letter from Fr John Neary SJ to Irish Fr Provincial Thomas V Nolan SJ thanking him for the number and selection of books which Fr Noland had sent to Fr Neary for the boys (10 September 1913, 5pp);
  4. Letter from Mr Matthew Bodkin, Clongowes Wood College SJ, to Irish Fr Provincial Thomas V Nolan SJ seeking admittance to the Society of Jesus. This letter is dated 27 May 1914, and on 31 August 1914, Mr Bodkin entered the noviceship at St Stanislaus College, Tullabeg (6pp);
  5. Letter from Mr Henry A Johnson SJ to Irish Fr Provincial Thomas V Nolan SJ responding to the Provincial's request that he study Irish. Mr Johnson is suggesting that he sped some time in Galway, in order to get a good start. Mr Johnson was a scholastic at Clongowes Wood College SJ on Regency at this time (27 May 1914, 4pp);
  6. Letter from Fr William O'Keeffe SJ to Irish Fr Provincial Thomas V Nolan SJ suggesting that since the current Prefect of Studies Fr James Daly is to be absent, then Fr Provincial should appoint Fr Dominic Kelly SJ as "full" replacement Prefect of Studies, rather than that task being shared by Fr Kelly and Fr Rector, Nicholas J Tomkin SJ (September 1914, 4pp);
  7. Letter from Fr David Gallery SJ to Irish Fr Provincial Thomas V Nolan SJ representing his misgivings about Fr Provincial's desire to send him to Malta. Fr Gallery perceives it as some sort of "punishment" for an unknown transgression (21 June, 1915, 4pp);
  8. Letter from Fr Victor Lentaigne SJ to Irish Fr Provincial Thomas V Nolan SJ thanking him for his letter on the occasion of his 50th anniversary as a Jesuit (30 September 1915, 2pp);
  9. Letter from Br James Donoghue SJ to Irish Fr Provincial Thomas V Nolan SJ requesting permission to visit his family in Dublin (18 August 1916, 3pp);
  10. Letter from Fr John A Byrne SJ to Irish Fr Provincial Thomas V Nolan SJ fulfilling his obligations as a House Consultor (8 January 1920, 6pp);
  11. Letter from Fr Martin Corbett SJ to Irish Fr Provincial Thomas V Nolan SJ suggesting a change in the current custom of ordering and buying goods and supplies for the College. Fr Corbett was Procurator of Clongowes at the time (21 January 1920, 2pp);
  12. Letter from Fr Thomas Shuley SJ to Irish Fr Provincial John Fahy SJ fulfilling his obligations as a House Consultor (5 January 1925, 3pp);
  13. Letter from Fr Michael Meaney SJ to Irish Fr Provincial John Fahy SJ fulfilling his obligations as a House Consultor and Prefect of Studies. In this he raises a general question about gossip mongering in the community and Province and its damaging effects. He also encourages Fr Provincial to send Mr Maurice Dowling SJ and Mr Matthew Bodkin, current Regents to Theology. In the case of Mr Bodkin, Fr Meaney suggests that an unhelpful relationship between Mr Bodkin and the Rector, Fr John Joy SJ, is having a negative effect on Mr Bodkin (29 June 1926, 6pp);
  14. Letter from Fr Charles Barrett SJ to Irish Fr Provincial John R MacMahon SJ concerning the "Clongowes Certificate" and its recognition by the Registration Council. Fr Barrett was prefect of Studies at Clongowes Wood College SJ at the time. The "Clongowes Certificate" allowed Jesuit scholastics to do the equivalent of the Higher Diploma in Education at Clongowes, and taught by approved Jesuit teachers (12 August 1942, 1p).

Ryan, Edward F, 1886-1928, Jesuit priest

Letter with resolution from the Royal College of Science of Ireland, Dublin to Maurice Dowling, SJ, expressing sympathy on the death of Mr Dowling

Letter with resolution from the Royal College of Science of Ireland, Dublin to Maurice Dowling, SJ, 87 Lower Leeson Street, Dublin expressing sympathy on the death of Mr Dowling, Registrar of the Royal College of Science of Ireland.

Royal College of Science for Ireland, 1867-1926

Correspondence on the republican procession at Bodenstown, County Kildare

Correspondence between the Irish Fr Provincial and various Jesuits regarding an incident which took place at the graveyard in Bodenstown, County Kildare during a Republican procession from Sallins to the grave of Wolf Tone, in which Fr Daniel Fitzgibbon SJ played a prominent role in preventing an outbreak of violence.

Correspondence between Jesuits in Nothern Rhodesia and the Irish Fr Provincial during the year 1952

A file of letters written during the year 1952 relating to the Chikuni Mission, Northern Rhodesia.

  • Includes a letter from David Matthews, Archbishop of Apamea, Apostolic delegate, Delegatio Apostolica, PO Box 468 Mombasa to Irish Fr Provincial Thomas Byrne SJ concerning the proposed boundaries of the Vicariate of Lusaka to be given to the Irish Province. Includes a free hand map of the area (9 January 1952, 3pp).
  • Includes a letter from Fr Patrick J. Walsh SJ, PO Box 125, Lusaka, Northern Rhodesia to Irish Fr Provincial informing him that the building of the residence at the regiment Church has begun. Refers to Mau Mau in Kenya and remarks 'It is likely that in the next few years we shall see similar developments in central Africa. There is a great spirit of unrest and dissatisfaction among the Africans here and there is quite a bit of Communist propaganda going on - especially through the African Congress' (29 November 1952, 1p).

Correspondence between Jesuits in Nothern Rhodesia and the Irish Fr Provincial during the year 1950

A file of letters written during the year 1950 relating to the Chikuni Mission, Northern Rhodesia. Includes numerous letters relating to the announcement that eight Irish Jesuits are to be sent to the Chikuni Mission and the need for these men to learn the language (Chitonga). Many letters express concern over the lack of preparations being made for their arrival and a reluctance to comply with Fr General's instructions that all eight men are to be housed together for one year to obtain a firm grasp of the language.

  • Includes a letter from the Apostolic Delegation, PO Box 468, Mombasa to Irish Fr Provincial Thomas Byrne SJ concerning the division of the mission between the Irish and Polish Jesuits. Advises Fr Byrne to send a suitable Jesuit to Northern Rhodesia to take on the role of Vicar Apostolic of Lusaka when the division takes place (12 June 1950, 1p).
  • Includes a memorandum by Fr John Collins SJ concerning Bantu courses in London University (nd, 2pp).
  • Includes a photograph published in the Irish Independent of the nine Irish Jesuits (eight priests and one brother) before their departure for Chikuni, Northern Rhodesia (19 July 1950, 1p).
  • Includes a letter from Fr Brian MacMahon SJ to Fr Provincial Thomas Byrne SJ announcing their safe arrival in Lusaka (7 August 1950, 2pp).
  • Includes a letter from Fr Patrick J Walsh SJ describing a trip he and Fr Louis Meagher SJ made in the Zambesi Valley (22 September 1950, 2pp).
  • Includes a letter from Fr Brian McMahon SJ, Chikuni Mission PO Chisekesi, Northern Rhodesia to Fr Provincial Thomas Byrne SJ describing the school system here and the training colleges for African teachers (2 October 1950, 7pp).