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Coyne, Edward Joseph, 1896-1958, Jesuit priest
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Works in progress by various Irish Jesuits on the 'Fourth Centenary of the Foundation of the Society of Jesus'

Documents, mainly letters to Irish Fr Provincial reporting on works in progress by various Jesuits, to be published during the fourth centenary year of the foundation of the Society. Includes letters from Frs John Ryan, Timothy Mulcahy, Charles Scantlebury, Henry Gill, Joseph Canavan, Michael McGrath, Patrick Gannon, Stephen Brown, Arthur Little, John MacErlean, Edward Coyne (See also ADMN/3/37; 39; 42; 57), Timothy Corcoran, Aubrey Gwynn and Seán Ó Catháin. Also includes lists of titles and authors and a memorandum on historical publications of the Irish Province by Fr Aubrey Gwynn SJ (See also ADMN/3/18; 37; 40).

Proposal to found a Jesuit Weekly Paper

Documents examining ‘the question of the advisability or otherwise of our…(the Irish Jesuit Province)…founding & running a Weekly Paper’ following Fr General’s letter asking the Provincial to “find out the views of ‘peritorum Patrum’ on this subject.” Includes copy of circular letter and questionnaire sent by the Provincial to sixteen ‘knowledgeable’ Jesuits and replies from the following Fathers: Patrick Connolly (Editor of 'Studies'), Michael Kirwan, John Ryan, Aubrey Gwynn (ADMN/3/18; 29; 40), Timothy Corcoran, Michael Egan, Edward Cahill, Joseph Canavan, Timothy Mulcahy (Editor of 'Madonna', 'Irish Monthly' and 'The Jesuit Directory'), Edward J. Coyne (See also ADMN/3/29; 39; 42; 57), John McMahon, George Roche, John Keane, Charles Doyle (includes two unsigned replies from Frs Stephen Brown and Charles Scantlebury). Also includes tables of summaries of the views expressed.

Material on the promotion of 'Catholic Action’

Documents relating to a report prepared by the Irish Fr Provincial for Fr General on the activities of the Irish Province for ‘the promotion of Catholic Action’. Includes covering letter and questionnaire sent out by the Irish Fr Provincial to Jesuit houses and individuals with detailed replies from: St Francis Xavier’s, Upper Gardiner Street; Milltown Park, Dublin; Rathfarnham Castle, Dublin; St Stanislaus’ College, Tullamore; St Mary’s, Emo Court; University Hall, Hatch Street; Belvedere College; Clongowes Wood College; St Ignatius’ College, Galway; Sacred Heart College, Limerick; the editors of the following periodicals: 'Madonna', 'The Messenger of the Sacred Heart', 'An Timire' (The Gaelic Messenger), and 'Studies'. Also includes handwritten draft report entitled ‘The Society of Jesus in Ireland and Catholic Action’ (Summer 1936) and final printed Latin version 'De Actione Catholica in Hibernia'.

Lists of writers of the Restored Society and their publications compiled by Fr James Rabbitte SJ

Lists of writers (arranged alphabetically) of the Restored Society and their publications (1832-1925, 38pp, ). Compiled by Fr James Rabbitte SJ of Gardiner Street, (Custodian of the Irish Province Archives, 1924-1930). Typed list of Irish Jesuit authors and title, 20th century (1900-1939, 6pp).

Rabbitte, James, 1857-1940, Jesuit priest

Letters to the Irish Fr Provincial relating to education, finance and formation

Letters to the Irish Fr Provincial on various matters. Includes letters concerning:
– the creation of a new entrance to Manresa House in Dollymount and the sale of the old gate lodge to the developer of the site (see also ADMN/3/43);
– various Consultors’ opinions with regard to Fr. General’s Letters on The Social Apostolate;
– the Irish Hierarchy’s opinion of the Health Bill of 1952;
– ‘the dangers there is for Catholics to go to Trinity College’ (see also ADMN/3/38);
– copy of a ‘Report of the Jesuit Schools in the Archdiocese of Dublin on the Programme for Religious Instruction in the Primary Schools’ (see also ADMN/3/57);
– a lectureship in mathematical-physics in U.C.D.;
– the requirements for the post of lecturer in Cosmology in U.C.D.;
– the death of Fr James Magan SJ and
– letter and memorandum to the Provincial concerning Latin study in the Novitiate.
Also includes letters from President Seán T. Ó Ceallaigh (see also ADMN/3/59) concerning his audience with the Pope and sending Christmas greetings and copy of Irish Fr Provincial’s reply.

Letters to the Irish Fr Provincial from the Office of the Apostolic Nuncio to Ireland

Letters to the Irish Fr Provincial and Jesuits from the Office of the Apostolic Nuncio to Ireland such as on various mostly minor matters, such as obtaining permissions on behalf of various Jesuits. Includes letters concerning the use of Canon 81 and the death of Fr Francis Scozzari SJ. Also includes copy of a memoranda [by Fr. Edward Coyne SJ entitled ‘The Protestant Churches in Ireland’ sent to the Nuncio by Irish Fr Provincial.

Letters from Jesuits volunteering to serve as chaplains

Letters to the Irish Fr Provincial Laurence J. Kieran SJ from various Jesuits volunteering to become military chaplains following the outbreak of the Second World War. Includes letters from: Frs Michael J. Morrison SJ (See CHP2/29), Arthur Little SJ, Fr Edward J. Coyne SJ, Joseph Garland SJ, Thomas Shuley SJ, Richard Kennedy SJ (See CHP2/23), Leonard Sheil SJ, James McCann SJ and Michael Pelly SJ (See CHP2/33).

Letters from Fr Charles Mulcahy SJ, Rector, Clongowes Wood College SJ to Irish Fr Provincial concerning community matters at Clongowes Wood College SJ

Letters from Fr Charles Mulcahy SJ, Rector, Clongowes Wood College SJ to Irish Fr Provincial Thomas V Nolan SJ concerning community matters at Clongowes Wood College SJ. These letters include Fr Mulcahy informing or requesting assistance from Fr Nolan in the ordinary business and administration of the College and Community. They include health issues relating to members of the community, teachers and staff, as well as performance in examinations. There is also a letter discussing the expulsion of a pupil, Redmond O'Regan. In addition there is a personal letter regarding Mr Edward Coyne SJ, who was experiencing some difficulties at Rathfarnham Castle (Fr Mulcahy knew him well, having been his Novice Master).

Mulcahy, Charles, 1874-1954, Jesuit priest

Letter from Mr Edward J Coyne SJ, Rathfarnham Castle to Irish Fr Provincial concerning a rockery constructed by the Juniors

Letter from Mr Edward J Coyne SJ, Rathfarnham Castle to Irish Fr Provincial Thomas V Nolan SJ concerning a rockery constructed by the Jesuit Juniors. Remarks that they would like to place a statue of the Virgin on the rockery and asks for Fr Nolan's help.

Coyne, Edward Joseph, 1896-1958, Jesuit priest

Letter from Michael Browne, Bishop of Galway to Irish Fr Provincial asking permission for Fr Edward J Coyne SJ to be present at a meeting of the vocation organisation commission

Letter from Michael Browne, Bishop of Galway, Mount St Mary's, Galway to Irish Fr Provincial John R MacMahon SJ asking permission for Fr Edward J Coyne SJ to be present at a meeting of the vocation organisation commission.

Browne, Michael, 1895-1980, Roman Catholic Bishop of Galway

Letter from Michael Browne, Bishop of Galway to Irish Fr Provincial asking him to allow Fr Edward J Coyne SJ devote as much time to the Vocation Organisation Committee

Letter from Michael Browne, Bishop of Galway, Mount St Mary's, Galway to Irish Fr Provincial John R. MacMahon SJ asking him to allow Fr Edward J Coyne SJ devote as much time to the Vocation Organisation Committee over the coming months so that the report may be compiled; includes a copy reply from Fr MacMahon remarking that Fr. Coyne will '...devote to the preparation of the report of the Commission all the time and energy available.' (20 March 1942, 1p).

Browne, Michael, 1895-1980, Roman Catholic Bishop of Galway

Letter from Fr Edward J. Coyne SJ, Director of Extra-Mural Studies at UCD, to Patrick Kavanagh

Letter from Fr Edward J. Coyne SJ, Director of Extra-Mural Studies at UCD, to Patrick Kavanagh re. the latter's series of Extra-Mural lectures. Asks Kavanagh for “some idea of the type of poems [he intends to read] and the general line of remarks...I am delighted to hear you are in better health and also that the Muse has returned to you, even ina violent way”.

Coyne, Edward Joseph, 1896-1958, Jesuit priest

Letter from Fr Edward Coyne SJ, Milltown Park, Dublin to Fr Rector concerning the siting of Gonzaga College at Sandford

Letter from Fr Edward J Coyne SJ, Milltown Park, Dublin to Fr Rector, concerning the siting of Gonzaga College at Sandford. Remarks that Sandford would be very suitable 'It has all the positive requirements we need in the way of space and privacy...'

Coyne, Edward Joseph, 1896-1958, Jesuit priest

Documents relating to the preparation of the new Catechism for use in schools

Documents relating to the preparation of the new Catechism for use in schools. Includes correspondence between the Irish Provincial and the Archbishop of Dublin, John Charles McQuaid and copies of observations and suggested alterations to the Catechism made by various Jesuits including Frs. Denis Nerney, Edward Coyne and Paul O'Dea.

Documents concerning Archbishop McQuaid's objections to the formation of a Sandymount-Ballsbridge group of Muintir na Tíre

Documents concerning Archbishop McQuaid's objections to the formation of a Sandymount-Ballsbridge group of Muintir na Tíre and Fr Edward J Coyne's involvement with the establishment of such a group (See also ADMN/3/29; 37; 39; 57). ‘I am not convinced that this Association has yet proved that it deserves a place in this Diocese, in the country or in the City. Therefore, I have not sanctioned the formation of any group in the Diocese. I should be grateful, if you could give me any help in understanding the Sandymount- Ballsbridge movement.’ (6 November 1941,1p). Includes correspondence between the Archbishop, Irish Fr Provincial and Fr Coyne on the matter. Also includes letter to Irish Fr Provincial from Fr John Hayes, C.C.(Chairman) relating to Muintir na Tíre’s ‘Rural Week’ (29 November 1942, 2pp) and printed advertising leaflets and leaflets concerning National Appeals on behalf of Muintir na Tíre (1940s, 4 items).

McQuaid, John Charles, 1895-1973, Roman Catholic Archbishop of Dublin

Correspondence between the Irish Fr Provincial and successive editors of the 'Irish Monthly'

Correspondence between the Irish Fr Provincial and successive editors of the 'Irish Monthly'. Includes: letters, memoranda and notes relating to deliberations on the future of the magazine in November 1932, discussions on the terms upon which the management of the 'Irish Monthly' could be changed and letters concerning the controversy caused by an article entitled ‘The Papal Encyclicals and the Banking Commission’ by Fr Edward Coyne SJ in which Fr Coyne was said by Mr Peter O'Loghlen, T.D. to have made ‘gravely misleading and damaging’ comments with reference to Mr O'Loghlen’s Report as a member of the Banking Commission.

'A Diary or Jottings' by Fr James F. Murphy SJ

  • IE IJA J/15/1
  • Item
  • 25 December 1889 - 1 November 1892
  • Part of Irish Jesuits

'A Diary or Jottings, from day to day of events, especially 1 Nov. 1892 regarding the Society and, in particular, this (Irish) Province, which may prove interesting &, perhaps, even useful when The Writer shall be many years dead and gone.’ Found enclosed is a typed note (n.d., 2pp) by an unknown Jesuit (possibly Fr Fergal McGrath SJ, Irish Province Archivist 1975-1986) giving brief biographical details of Fr Murphy. Also comments on the contents of the diary, ‘Some interesting things recorded are: the initial history of all the houses of the province: the story of the setting up of Milltown as a Coll. Max.: the dispute with the Bishop of Meath (Dr Nulty) over faculties for fathers at Tullabeg: the biographies of various S.J.s (and, e.g., reference to W. Coyne, later father of Fr Eddie Coyne and to Charles Kennedy a benefactor of the province): the account of the great storm of 1890/1 and of the influenza epidemic which swept over Europe from Russia. Minutiae of the day-to-day life, customs, studies and so on, and the final account of the Provincial Congregation (June 1892) after Fr General’s (Anderledy) death are also of interest and some historical value.’ Enclosures includes extracts from diary kept in Tullabeg, 1856 (9pp).