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15 Collection results for Norwood

Only results directly related

Balance sheets for the Australian Mission

A file of balance sheets for the following:
Richmond Residence
Richmond Parish
Sevenhill Residence
Sevenhill Parish
Norwood Residence
Norwood Parish
St Patrick's College, Melbourne
Xavier College, Kew
Hawthorn Parish
Hawthorn Residence
Riverview College, Sydney
St Aloysius College, North Sydney
Loyola College, Sydney

Irish Jesuit Mission to Australia, 1865-1931

Extracts from 'The Clongownian', concerning the building of the new "boys" chapel at Clongowes Wood College SJ

Extracts (cut outs) from 'The Clongownian' of [1915], concerning the building of the new "Boys" Chapel at Clongowes Wood College SJ (8pp). Of interest, on the front cover is a note from October 1813 about the sale of Castle Brown to the Jesuits, written in a London newspaper, and quoting "The Dublin Journal". On the front cover is an article indicating those who have contributed as benefactors to the building of the Chapel, and particularly highlighting Fr Daniel E O'Brien SJ - Superior at the Norwood Parish in Adelaide, Australia - and Fr George Redington Roche SJ - Senior Prefect at Clongowes - who before taking Final Vows in the Society of Jesus, contributed inherited money for the Chapel. Fr O'Brien died in Adelaide in 1915.

Letter from [ ], Apostolic Delegation to Fr Cornelius Hartnett SJ, concerning the establishing of a Guild

Letter from [ ], Apostolic Delegation, 40 Edward Street, North Sydney to Fr Cornelius Hartnett SJ, "Manresa", Norwood concerning the establishing of a Guild and the obtaining of Indulgences. Includes a letter from Fr Hartnett describing the work and progress of the Holy Communion Guilds for young men and boys who have left school.

Hartnett, Cornelius, 1873-1948, Jesuit priest

Letter from Fr Joseph Tappeiner SJ to Fr Nicholas Walsh SJ concerning the prospect of two Jesuit Fathers being sent out to Norwood

Letter from Fr Joseph Tappeiner SJ, Superior of the Austro-Hungarian Mission, St. Ignatius, Norwood to Fr Nicholas Walsh SJ concerning the prospect of two Jesuit Fathers being sent out to Norwood. Expresses his satisfaction at the news and advises that the Fathers should be young men. Remarks 'We find that it is always more difficult for men whose habits are already formed to get into the way of colonial life.'

Tappeiner, Joseph, 1820-1882, Jesuit priest and missionary

Letters from Fr Henry E. Cock SJ to Fr John Ryan SJ

Letter from Fr Henry E. Cock SJ to Fr John Ryan SJ concerning the death of Fr Dan O'Brien SJ, and asking to be relieved of the position of Superior of Manresa, Norwood, Adelaide due to ill health.

Cock, Henry E, 1859-1931, Jesuit priest

Letters from Fr John Ryan SJ to Irish Fr Provincial concerning the Mission in Australia

An extensive file of letters from Fr John Ryan SJ to Irish Fr Provincial. As Superior of the Mission (11 February 1901 - 14 June 1908 & 9 April 1913 - 24 October 1917), Fr Ryan wrote to his superior, the Irish Fr Provincial on all matters concerning the administration (including visitations he made to the various communities) of the Mission and members of the Society living and working in see also Australia. Includes a letter to Fr J. Murphy SJ concerning Fr John O'Neill's health. Remarks '...there is only one proper course open to us viz. to send Fr O'Neill to Europe where he will have, at least, a chance of recovery...He is a source of constant anxiety, and we have no institution in Australia where we can put him, except the public Lunatic Asylum.' Remarks that following discussion with his Consultors he has decided to send Fr O'Neill home. (8 December 1902, 2pp). Includes a memorandum concerning the mission of the Jesuit Fathers in North Sydney. (5 March 1912, 7pp). Includes a letter concerning the Sydney Synod. Remarks 'It seems the secular clergy are urging His Grace to dock more and more the missionary districts of Regulars and apparently he means to satisfy them as much as possible.' (6 August 1913, 2pp). Includes a letter discussing the proposed additions to St. Aloysius College (6 August 1913, 5pp). Includes a letter referring to the war and the difficulty of sending letters. Remarks '…it is a blessing that so far none of our mail boats have been sunk'. Refers to Sevenhills and remarks that he will do his best '…to work up the Altar Wine Industry which I hope will be of great help to Loyola. And I do hope you will succeed in getting some Bros. That understand the making of wine.' Concludes by remarking that more chaplains are needed by the Military Authorities and remarks that he cannot supply even one Father. Refers to Fr Hearne SJ, at the front and remarks '…everyone who has met him is loud in his praises.' (9 February 1914, 2pp). Includes a letter concerning a loan for Riverview (a second mortgage on the property) (18 February 1914, 3pp). Includes a letter regarding the reopening of the Novitiate at Loyola (18 February 1914, 4pp). Includes a letter concerning the proposed administration of St. John's College in the University of Sydney by the Jesuit Fathers (23 - 25 February 1914, 3pp). Includes a letter (with rough drawings) regarding the alterations made at Loyola for the reopening of the Novitiate (16 June 1914, 3pp). Includes a letter referring to a statement sent to Fr General concerning the lax discipline at Riverview. Remarks that the statements made by Fr General were too sweeping (1 September 1915, 2pp). Includes letters concerning an offer made by Archbishop Dunne (Archbishop of Brisbane), Toowong Parochial District, Brisbane. In a letter from Fr Ryan to Fr Thomas V Nolan SJ he remarks that Toowong would be the most suitable district in Brisbane for the work of the Jesuits (29 August 1915 - 18 June 1916, 9 items). Includes letters see also concerning the property Ellangowan (Adelaide) and the desire of the Society of Jesus to secure the property (9 March 1916, 3pp). Includes a number of letters concerning a new Superior for Norwood and problems with Fr McCurtin over the matter (8 March 1916 - 27 March 1916, 6 items). Includes a letter expressing his surprise at the employment of female cooks at Xavier College, Kew, Melbourne. Remarks that he challenged Fr O'Dwyer SJ (Rector) about it at once as 'It was well known that I would not consent without referring the matter to Your Reverence.' Includes a letter from Fr O'Dwyer to Fr Ryan explaining the reasons why he employed female cooks (1 April 1917 & 2 April 1917, 2 items). Includes a memorandum concerning the sending of Juniors to Ireland and opposition of the Consultors to sending them to Ireland. Outlines various reasons why the Consultors are opposed to this (2 May 1917, 1p). Includes a letter referring to a meeting with the Consultors at which the question of a Juniorate in Australia was fully discussed (30 October 1917, 1p).

Ryan, John, 1849-1922, Jesuit priest

Letters from Fr William Gwynn SJ to Irish Fr Provincial concerning personal issues and chaplaincy

A file of letters from Fr William Gwynn SJ to Irish Fr Provincial Thomas V. Nolan SJ concerning the Australian Mission. Includes a letter wondering whether he should go to the front. Remarks that he is too old for the trenches. (28 December 1915, 5pp). Includes a letter concerning his problems with drink and his desire to put his problems behind him and continue with his religious life and work assigned to him (30 May 1918, 19pp). Includes a letter concerning his appointment as chaplain for continuous service with Australian troops going to the front. Remarks that he is very pleased with his appointment (15 July 1918, 3pp). Includes a letter referring to his arrival back in Australia and his new position doing parish work at St. Mary's, North Sydney. Remarks 'I have charge of the Men's sodality...meantime I am awaiting demobilisation...' (25 October 1919, 4pp). Includes a letter announcing his arrival in London and remarks how glad he is to be home. Remarks that he wishes to arrange receipt of his war bonus with the authorities before he leaves London for Dublin. (10 January 1920, 2pp).

Gwynn, William, 1865-1950, Jesuit priest and chaplain

Letters from Fr William Gwynn SJ to Fr John Ryan SJ concerning his decision to stop drinking

Letters from Fr William Gwynn SJ, Manresa, Queen Street, Norwood to Fr John Ryan SJ concerning his decision to stop drinking and to make an effort to drink water only with his meals. Remarks ' action will have a very salutary effect on the house...' (9 June 1916, 2pp).

Gwynn, William, 1865-1950, Jesuit priest and chaplain

Manuscript by Fr Joseph O'Malley SJ on his system of teaching sight-singing and harmony

Manuscript, ready for the publisher, by Fr Joseph O'Malley SJ, Norwood, Australia of a book on his system of teaching sight-singing and harmony. Includes a table of contents (3pp). ‘Dedicated to Charles Levy, Leader of the Lyric Orchestra & the Hawthorn Choir.’ Includes a number of testimonials by various individuals and a photograph of Fr O'Malley.

O'Malley, Joseph, 1832-1910, Jesuit priest

Status Temporalis book for the Irish Province

Status Temporalis (Province Account) book which contains accounts for: St Ignatius’ College, Galway; St Stanislaus’ College, Tullabeg; Clongowes College, Naas; Belvedere College, Dublin; Crescent College (College of the Sacred Heart), Limerick; Mungret College, Limerick; Rathfarnham Castle, Dublin; University Hall; 35 Lower Leeson Street; St Francis Xavier’s, Upper Gardiner Street, Irish Jesuit mission to Australia.

Triennial Documents, 1902 - 1905

Documents for Ireland (37 items):

  • First Catalogue (Catalogus Personarum Primus);
  • Second Catalogue (Catalogus Personarum Secundus);
  • House Histories (Historia Domus);
  • Annual Letters (Litterae Annuae);
  • Lives of those who have died (Summarium vitae defunctorum);
  • Province Accounts (Status temporalis trienalis domorum et arcarum Provinciae);
  • Index of authors and books published by Ours (Index auctorem et librorum a Nostris editorum);

and for Australia (39 items):

  • First Catalogue (Catalogus Personarum Primus);
  • Second Catalogue (Catalogus Personarum Secundus);
  • House Histories (Historia Domus);
  • Lives of those who have died (Summarium vitae defunctorum);
  • Province Accounts (Status temporalis trienalis domorum et arcarum Provinciae).